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Exotic Asset Class

An asset class that, as opposed to traditional asset class, consists of such items or investments carrying higher risks and higher potential returns due to their very nature (i.e., being nontraditional or exotic). In other words, exotic assets include certain items or investments that feature a different revenue generation potential and a market behavior pattern uncorrelated with traditional types of assets (such as stocks, bonds, cash, etc.)

Examples of exotic assets are rare arts (paintings, relics, etc.), collectible coins, and broadly any collectible items (whether physical or even digital- NFTs).

Historically, certain types of now traditional assets were introduced as exotic, a few decades ago. Such exotic-cum-traditional assets include small caps (small cap stocks) which belong now to the mainstream (traditional) class.

This section tackles the investment process, i.e., the deployment and emplyoment of funds in order to generate cash flows and returns. It covers a large ...
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