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Portfolio Income

The income that is generated by a paper asset, specifically from the performance (income and capital changes) of its underlying...

Paper Asset

An asset that produces portfolio income. The income of a paper asset is derived from the performance (income and capital...


It stands for private equity fund; an investment vehicle that pools the funds received from all its private equity (PE)...

PE Fund

An investment vehicle that pools the funds received from all its private equity (PE) investors for the purpose of investing....

Private Equity Fund

An investment vehicle that pools the funds received from all its private equity (PE) investors for the purpose of investing....

Redeployable Asset

An asset or set of assets that has alternative uses or ways of deployment (in addition to their initially intended...

Asset Redeployability

A characterization of an asset or set of assets implying the extent to which these assets have alternative uses or...


Value at risk (VaR) is a technique that determines estimates of the potential loss in the market value of a...

Asset Specificity

A characterization of an asset or set of assets that are used to serve a narrow purpose. Asset specificity applies...


A claim, contingent claim or position (short or long) which carries a risk of financial loss (and its corresponding revenue...