Gross financial assets (GFAs) (total financial assets) are the sum of net financial assets (NFAs) and financial liabilities of an entity.
In a different sense, gross value of financial assets reflects the total amount of financial assets held regardless of amortization or impairment (which involves writing down/ reduction of the recognized value of the asset over a period of time in an entity’s accounts, either due to partial repayment or uncollectbility or increased credit risk, etc.) The overall period (term) is usually divided to regular intervals in each of which the cost of the asset is incrementally charged to an expense account.
GFA may also stand for gross fixed assets, gross foreign assets, among others.
Rustom M Cursetji
October 29, 2023 at 3:16 amDescription of the units in which GFA is expressed would have been helpful. Is it in % and if yes % of what ?