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March 21, 2020


Portfolio management constitutes the art and techniques of managing a group of assets which are owned or controlled by an investor (individual or institutional) in order to reduce risk by diversification. A portfolio involves the combination of more than one stock, bond, cash equivalent, commodity, real estate, derivative instrument, or any other asset. The construction of a portfolio is usually affected by several factors including  the goals of the investor, the risks involved, the taxes on profits, and a comprehension of the available opportunities and alternative investments. The more diversified the assets in a portfolio, the more likely it produce a return comparable to market return.

This section covers a wide array of terms and definitions relating to this specific field of investing, as well as a great deal of practical questions and cases that are meant to help researchers and managers better understand how portfolios are managed and made to produce a return.

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Term of the Day:
  • Actual Portfolio
    A portfolio whose components (investments) are transacted in real markets- i.e., at real trading prices. In other words, the portfolio cost incorporate all direct and… Read more

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