A phase of the offering process during which the underwriter gathers information about the initial demand for the deal. In...
A merger in which the acquirer creates a wholly owned subsidiary into which the target company merges (the latter does...
A stock split by which each share of a company's stock is increased on a pro rata basis among all...
An investment bank that engages in all types of activities, including trading, underwriting, merchant banking, merger and acquisition, securities services,...
A circuit breaker process that activates on suspicion of any potential manipulation on an offering price. It aims to suspend...
An abbreviation for indication of interest; a phase of the offering process during which the underwriter gathers information about the...
The portion of securities from a new public offering issue that are returned to the lead underwriter by syndicate members...
The portion of securities from a new public offering issue that are returned to the lead underwriter by syndicate members...
An idiomatic phrase that is usually used by a lead underwriter to indicate that the securities of a new public...
A situation when an underwriter has successfully sold all the securities of a new public offering issue, set aside or...