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Tier-1 Capital

A layer of capital (for a bank or financial institution) that consists of common equity, minority interests, eligible noncumulative preferred...

Bank Deposit Certificate

A certificate of deposit, CD, that is issued by a bank. It is a fixed income security (certificate) that represents...


It stands for bank deposit certificate (a certificate of deposit, CD, that is issued by a bank). It is a...

Bank Spread

The difference between a bank's lending rate and funding rate: Bank spread = lending rate - funding rate For example,...


It stands for federal funds rate; the interest rate at which banks and other depository institutions, in the USA, lend...


It stands for effective federal funds rate; a method of calculating the federal funds rate (fed funds rate) that produces...

Effective Federal Funds Rate

A method of calculating the federal funds rate (fed funds rate) that produces the volume-weighted median of daily traded rates...

Federal Funds Rate

The interest rate at which banks and other depository institutions, in the USA, lend money to each other, typically on...

Fed Funds Rate

The interest rate at which banks and other depository institutions, in the USA, lend money to each other, typically on...


It stands for marginal cost lending rate; the minimum interest rate below which banks and financial institutions cannot lend as...