A type of money whose value is principally derived from a commodity of which it is made. Commodity money includes...
A currency that has no intrinsic value but is issued on the creditworthiness of a government, but without direct connection...
A form of money (currency) that courts of law and the broader legal system in a country legally recognize as...
A security that forms a component of equity capital (core capital) including ordinary equity (ordinary shares, common stock), both voting...
A capital security that does not have maturity date and the distribution payments (coupon, dividends) can be deferred at the...
A component of total Tier 1 capital that includes the core capital that a bank holds in its capital structure....
It stands for common equity tier-1 capital; a component of total Tier 1 capital that includes the core capital that...
The rate of interest (discount rate) that the Federal Reserve (the central bank of United States of America) charges banks...
The rate of interest (discount rate) that the Federal Reserve (the central bank of United States of America) charges banks...
It stands for discount window; a lending facility that a central bank or similar entity provides to help banks and...