It stands for net-to-gross ratio; the ratio of the current net market value of open positions held between two counterparties...
The ratio of the current net market value of open positions held between two counterparties related to the current gross...
An instruction that is set by a bank to receive a wire transfer, specifying a second beneficiary as to the...
An abbreviation for "for further credit"; an instruction that is set by a bank to receive a wire transfer, specifying...
An instruction that is set by a bank to receive a wire transfer, specifying the account name on file with...
An abbreviation for "for benefit of"; an instruction that is set by a bank to receive a wire transfer, specifying...
Funds that are drawn beyond the limit in a customer's account with a bank. It is a kind of a...
An interest rate that a bank or lending institution charges on overdrafts. Overdrafts are funds drawn beyond the limit in...
An interest rate that a bank or lending institution charges on overdrafts. Overdrafts are funds drawn beyond the limit in...
A situation where lenders become unwilling to advance additional funds (loans) to borrowers at the prevailing market interest rate (commercial...