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Islamic Finance

Waqf Mashroot

Arabic (وقف مشروط) for conditional waqf; a type of waqf (Islamic endowment) whose initiation or dedication of its property (mawqoof) is conditional- i.e., subject to (fulfillment of) a condition set by the waqif (waqf maker/ donor/ initiator). Once the condition is met, the subject matter of waqf is assigned to (made ownership of) a specific beneficiary, including the waqif, per se.

For example, a waqif may set a condition that the property of waqf shall not be passed on to a grandson as long as the waqif’s son is alive. Another example is when a waqif limits the transfer of waqf to a well-to-do family or offspring, in which case it converts into waqf khairi, rather than waqf zhurri.

The last three decades have witnessed the modern rebirth of Islamic finance both in terms of literature and practice. Islamic banks and ...
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