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Islamic Finance

Ahliyyah al-Ada Al-Naqisah

Arabic (أهلية الأداء الناقصة) for being partially eligible for taklif/ takleef, i.e., the capacity (ahliyyah) of a person to enjoy and exercise legal rights, but without taking responsibility for obligations. It is an incomplete (deficient), active legal capacity or capacity of execution/ performance; a term that describes a person’s fitness or capacity to undertake or perform an act or conduct with legal repercussions, in an active manner, partially but not completely. Hence, it only involves specific rights without other specific rights. An example is an underage boy who is above 7 years who can, by law, exercise rights but only subject to approval of others (e.g., parents, etc.)

Ahliyyah al-ada al-naqisah is a subset of ahliyyah al-ada.

The last three decades have witnessed the modern rebirth of Islamic finance both in terms of literature and practice. Islamic banks and ...
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