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Islamic Finance

Ujrat ul-Mithl

A rent or wage amount or consideration (ujrah or ajr) that is determined by an arbitrator or judge (if disputed), or with respect to a market reference or prevailing rate. For instance, in ijarah contracts which involve voidable or defective conditions (rendering the contract, per se, invalid), the lessee is bound to pay ujrat ul-mithl whatever it amounts to. That means, in case the lessee has actually benefited from the underlying property for some time or the whole term of ijarah, and it turned out that the contract is defective, he is obligated to pay the lessor a rent equal to the prevailing rate. Then the contract terminates.

Ujrat ul-mithl (also ajr ul-mithl or ‘iwad ul-mithl) is an Arabic term which literally means an equivalent/ comparable/ prevailing rent or wage.

The last three decades have witnessed the modern rebirth of Islamic finance both in terms of literature and practice. Islamic banks and ...
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