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Aqd al-Tabarru

Arabic (عقد التبرع) for noncommutative contract or gratuitous contract. This type of contracts (aqd) is based on voluntary charitable actions/donations…


An Arabic term (correctly spelled ujrah) that generally translates as remuneration, wage, recompense, consideration, commission, rate, price, or fees, among...


An Arabic term that generally translates as remuneration, wage, recompense, consideration, commission, rate, price, or fees, among others. Ujra is...


An Arabic term that generally translates as remuneration, wage, recompense, consideration, commission, rate, price, or fees, among others. Ujrah is...

Ujrat ul-Mithl

A rent or wage amount or consideration (ujrah or ajr) that is determined by an arbitrator or judge (if disputed),...

Ujrat al-Mithl

A rent or wage amount or consideration (ujrah or ajr) that is determined by an arbitrator or judge (if disputed),...

Uqud al-Tamlik

Arabic (عقود التمليك) for contracts (uqud- plural of aqd) that entail acquisition (or transfer) of ownership (mulkiyyah). This involves properties...