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Sighat al-Aqd

Arabic (صيغة العقد) for contractual formula (formula of a contract/ aqd). A formal exchange of offer/ proposal (ijab or 'ardh)...


Arabic (شرط) for a condition or stipulation in a contract (aqd). Examples of shart (plural: shurut) include a lease with…


Arabic (ركن) for one of the pillars/ elements/ cornerstones of a contract (aqd– عقد). The primary arkan (pl. of rokn)…

Riba al-Qurudh

Arabic (ربا القروض) for riba associated with lending and borrowing (i.e., received in lending or paid in borrowing). It is…

Aqd Al-Ishtirak

Arabic (عقد الإشتراك) for a contract (aqd) that entails sharing in ventures/ businesses and profits (ribh) through specific partnership (sharakah/sharikah).…

Aqd Mudhaf Ila Al-Mustaqbal

Arabic (عقد مضاف إلى المستقبل) for a contract (aqd) which comes into effect at a specific date in the future.…

Aqd Al-Tamlik

Arabic (عقد التمليك) for contracts (aqd) that entails acquisition (or transfer) of ownership (mulkiyyah). This involves properties and rights (huquq)…

Onerous Contract

A contract/ aqd (on an entity- e.g., an Islamic bank) in which the unavoidable costs of meeting the obligations under...

Wakalah Muaqatah

Arabic (وكالة مؤقتة) for temporary wakalah/ temporary agency; a wakalah contract (aqd al-wakalah) that has a time limit on its…

Binding Wakalah

A wakalah contract (aqd al-wakalah) that is binding on either party or both (wakalah mulzimah). While wakalah is essentially not…