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Long-Term Lease

An ijarah in which an asset is leased for a long period of time in a way that ujrah (compensation)…

Ijarat Al-Zhimmah

Arabic (إجارة الذمة) for an ijarah which has a described usufruct (manfa’ah mawsufah fi zhimmah) as underlying. The lessor is…


In simple terms, it is the right of an individual to use something that belongs to someone else, whether for…

Paid Agency

An agency in which remuneration (ajr or iwadh) is explicitly stipulated and specified in the agency contract (aqd al-wakalah/ aqd…

Promise To Sell

English for al-wa’ad bil ba’i/ bai’/ bay’ (الوعد بالبيع). It is usually embedded in exchange-based contracts (uqud al-mua’wadhah) such as…

Ijarah MBT

It stands for ijarah muntahiah bittamleek; an ijarah contract that ends up with the transfer of ownership of leased properties/...


It stands for ijarah muntahiah bittamleek; an ijarah contract that ends up with the transfer of ownership of leased properties/...

Ijarah Muntahiah Bittamleek

An ijarah contract that ends up with the transfer of ownership of leased properties/ assets from the lessor to the...

Long-Term Ijarah

An ijarah in which an asset is leased for a long period of time in a way that ujrah (compensation) is…

Lease of Liability

A form of Islamic lease in which the contract is linked to the lessor’s liability. Lease of liability is the…