In a contract of kafalah (or kifalah), it is the party who provides assurances as to the performance of an…
Arabic (عقد مضاف إلى المستقبل) for a contract (aqd) which comes into effect at a specific date in the future.…
Arabic (عقد التمليك) for contracts (aqd) that entails acquisition (or transfer) of ownership (mulkiyyah). This involves properties and rights (huquq)…
Arabic (عقد معاوضة) for compensatory contract (commutative contract) whereby one party receives compensation/ consideration (iwadh) from another party in return...
Arabic (عقد المعاوضة) for compensatory contract (commutative contract) whereby one party receives compensation/ consideration (iwadh) from another party in return…
A clause in a commutative contract (aqd mu’awadhah) that stipulates that an agreed amount of money shall be paid to…
A type of shari’a-incompatible sale (invalid sale or bay’ ghair sahih) that combines a normal sale with a condition (shart)…
A type of bay’ al-gharar in which the object of sale or the price (thaman) is unknown, or in the…
An essentially noncommutative contract that is used to secure a commutative contract (such as a sale contract/aqd al-ba’i) or obligations…
A noncommercial guarantee/ suretyship (kafala shakhsiya) which is used to secure commutative contracts (e.g. contracts of sale, contracts of rights,…