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Unsecured Senior Sukuk

A type of sukuk that are both senior (senior sukuk) and unsecured. Senior sukuk are a type of sukuk structure...

Usul al-Fiqh

A set of principles whereby rules of Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh) are derived from specific evidences in the main shari’a sources…

Usufruct Waqf

A waqf of the usufruct (manfa’ah– manafi’) of a rented property. It is a temporary waqf (waqf muaqqat) which only…

Usury In Debts

Interest (usury or riba) that is earned on lending money to another party (or interest that is paid on borrowing…


In simple terms, it is the right of an individual to use something that belongs to someone else, whether for…


In general, usury refers to the predetermined interest which a lender charges on, and collects from, a borrower. The lender…


Arabic (عربون) for down payment, "partial" payment in advance, or security deposit. The payment/ deposit is intended to secure a...

Uqud al-Tabarruat

Arabic (عقود التبرعات) for noncommutative contracts or gratuitous contracts. These contracts (uqud- plural of aqd) are based on voluntary charitable...

Uqud al-Imtiaz

An Arabic term (عقود الامتياز) that denotes concession contracts; by definition, a contract of concession is an authorization whereby a...

Uqud al-Taqyidat

Arabic (عقود التقييدات) for contracts (uqud- plural of aqd) that aim to prevent or restrict disposal or conduct in a...