A swap (fixed-for-floating swap/ fixed-for-fixed swap) that entails payment of a return based on the commodity price against a payment...
A currency swap in which one side is a fixed rate currency and the other a floating rate payment (such…
An instrument (part debt and part equity) that gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to exchange his…
Foreign exchange swaps (FX swaps) are typically quoted in terms of pips (exchange rates are generally quoted up to five...
A cancellable swap in which the fixed-rate receiver/ floating-rate payer has the right, but not the obligation, to terminate the…
In swap transactions, payment netting represents the difference between the two leg payments on the same resetting date. In other...
It stands for single-name credit default swap; a type of credit default swap (CDS) where there is only one reference...
A spreadlock (a type of credit derivative) that is based on a forward contract. It allows the holder to lock...
An option that gives its holder the right, without the obligation, to enter into a forward swap at a given maturity/expiration…
It stands for tranche-loss credit default swap; a basket-linked credit default swap(basket-linked CDS) which protects the buyer (the long) from…