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Unfunded Swap

A swap in which the investor (the long) pays an upfront amount (funding) in return for the total return of...

Funded Swap

A swap in which the investor pays an upfront amount (funding) in return for the total return of a reference...

Uncleared Swap Margin

The initial (IM) and variation margin (VM) requirements for all swaps that are not cleared by a registered derivatives clearing...

Uncleared Swap

A bilaterally executed swap that is not cleared and settled through a clearing organization. An uncleared swap is not, directly...


An interest rate swap (IRS) that entails the exchange of a fixed rate of interest on a certain notional amount for...

OTC Interest Rate Swap

An interest rate swap (IRS) that entails the exchange of a fixed rate of interest on a certain notional amount for...

Commodity-for-Interest Swap

A swap (fixed-for-floating swap/ fixed-for-fixed swap) that entails payment of a return based on the commodity price against a payment...

Xccy Swap

A currency swap in which one side is a fixed rate currency and the other a floating rate payment (such…


An instrument (part debt and part equity) that gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to exchange his…

FX Swap Points

Foreign exchange swaps (FX swaps) are typically quoted in terms of pips (exchange rates are generally quoted up to five...