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Stub Quote

A placeholder quote for stocks that is used by a market maker that wants to quote one side of a...

Quote Rate Pirate

A market participant who practices quote stuffing (quote spamming), by placing a large number of orders for a stock, often...

Quote-Driven Market

A market that is controlled by market makers or dealers in the sense that prices of securities are determined through...

Strong Quote Currency

A currency in which the ask price is less than 100 pips above the bid price. In this case, two...

Weak Quote Currency

A currency in which the ask price is more than 100 pips above the bid price. In this case, three...

Gaming The Quote

A type of gaming in which a trader (known as the gamer) executes small orders to manipulate the public exchange mid-quote that a crossing network uses to get a...

Forced Quotation

A quote that is made solely for the purpose of creating fictitious trading activities. It is a type of market abuse/...

Fictitious Quotation

A quote that is made solely for the purpose of creating fictitious trading activities. It is a type of market abuse/...

Book Coloring

A practice that is used by high frequency traders (also known for this purpose as quote rate pirates) that involves...

Quoted Bid-Ask Spread

The difference between a market maker's (a dealer's) ask and bid price quotes at a given point in time. Traders...