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Delayed Quote

Contrary to a streaming quote/ real time quote, it is a quote for a tradable security (e.g., a stock) that...

Bonafide Quote

A displayed quote representing a bid to buy or offer to sell a specific quantity of a security (or any...

Bona Fide Quotation

A displayed quote representing a bid to buy or offer to sell a specific quantity of a security (or any...

Firm Quote

A displayed quote representing a bid to buy or offer to sell a specific quantity of a security (or any...

Closing Quote

The final bid and ask price that a market maker, or a specialist, states at the end of a trading...


It stands for minimum quote size; on the London Stock Exchange (LSE), it refers to the minimum number of shares...

Mid-Quote Cross

A form of cross in which two counterparties (a buyer and a seller) get a mid-quote fill price from a...

Minimum Quote Size

On the London Stock Exchange (LSE), it refers to the minimum number of shares in which market makers are registered...

Basis Quote

An offer to sell, or a fulfilled sale of, a cash commodity in terms of a specified amount above or...

Swap Quote

By convention, the floating rate of a swap is quoted flat without basis point adjustments; e.g., LIBOR flat. The fixed...