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Zero Interest Loan

A loan for which a borrower is not required to pay any interest. However, a borrower will have to repay...

No-Interest Loan

A loan for which a borrower is not required to pay any interest. However, a borrower will have to repay...

Interest-Free Loan

A loan for which a borrower is not required to pay any interest. However, a borrower will have to repay...

Collateral Performance Trigger

A reaction that is triggered upon occurrence of a predefined event such as when loans/ liabilities exhibit a high percentage…


An acronym for home-equity line of credit; a line of credit that is secured by a borrower's home equity. As...

Home Equity Line of Credit

A line of credit that is secured by a borrower's home equity. As a security, it gives a homeowner borrower...

Unsecured Loan

A loan that is not guaranteed by any specific type of property. The creditor receives no collateral as an assurance...

Financing-Based Crowdfunding

A crowdfunding which involves the crowd lending to businesses (people to business/ person to business- P2B) or to persons (peer…


It stands for loan loss reserve; a type of credit enhancement whereby a reserve (specifically, a cash reserve) is created...

Loan Loss Reserve

A type of credit enhancement whereby a reserve (specifically, a cash reserve) is created by a bank for the purpose...