The complete whole loan that is extended to a borrower for residential financing. It is a standalone, individual loan that...
A securitized product (a type of collateralized debt obligations – CDOs) that originates obligations collateralized or backed by a pool…
A reverse repurchase (repo) agreement by which a mortgage firm sells federally guaranteed mortgage-backed securities (MBSs) to a securities dealer…
A type of transformation that involves availing solvency at different places (institutionial presences) using loans, cash transactions, etc. It also…
A zero coupon swap (ZC swap) in which payments are reversed. That is the zero coupon payment is made at…
A certificate of deposit (CD) that builds on fostering a special relationship with the holder (depositor) by entitling him to…
Refi (refinance) involves a situation when a borrower (e.g., a mortgagor) takes out a new loan, such as a mortgage...
Refinance involves a situation when a borrower (e.g., a mortgagor) takes out a new loan, such as a mortgage loan,...
A mortgage that is collateralized with a mortgagor's home equity, while a mortgagee (a lender/ lending institution) makes regular payment...
A type of financing (loans) in which recourse to a borrower's other assets is not allowable. In the event a...