Zero Interest Loan – Fincyclopedia
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Zero Interest Loan

A loan for which a borrower is not required to pay any interest. However, a borrower will have to repay the principal amount (i.e., the par value of the loan). Such a loan is usually extended by governments or government agencies (and hence are considered government regulated loans), with no interest or administration fees. Zero-interest loans are granted based on specific conditions relating to resources, eligibility, subsidizing specific sectors in the economy or society, etc. An example is a loan extended to acquire a main residence or financing certain requirements.

Types of zero-interest loan include interest-free education loans, interest-free home loans, interest-free travel loans, interest-free loans for business, interest-free car loans, government interest-free loans, etc.

It is also referred to as a no-interest loan or an interest-free loan (IFL).

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