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Homemade Arbitrage

The leverage which an individual investor can obtain by borrowing and lending on the same terms as firms. To do...

Homemade Leverage

The leverage which an individual investor can obtain by borrowing and lending on the same terms as firms. To do...

Operating Leverage

The percentage change in operating earnings (i.e., earnings before interest and taxes "EBIT" and any non-operating income) in response to...

Construction Leverage

The ratio of the risk associated with a portfolio construction to the gross risk: A portfolio’s construction risk refers to...

Leveraged Super Senior Tranche

A super-senior tranche in which only a part of the tranche notional is paid by the holder. In other words,...

LSS Tranche

It stands for leveraged super senior tranche; a super-senior tranche in which only a part of the tranche notional is...

Homemade Leverage

Investors' methods of substituting their own borrowing and lending for corporate borrowing. Investors seeking more leverage than a firm has...

Financial Leverage

A technique that involves the use of borrowed funds (debt) wholly (100% debt) or partially (a mix of debt and...

Option Leverage

Options are highly leveraged investments. In the underlying price moves favorably, an investor could earn much bigger percentage gains on...

Snow Bear

A hybrid derivative instrument that is used by investors willing to bet on rising rates in a binary (digital) fashion....