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Leveraged Capped Floater

A floating-rate note (floater) which as an embedded short cap on a face amount bigger than the face value of...

Leveraged Reverse Floater

A reverse floating-rate note (reverse floater) in which the multiplier of the fixed rate is set, at the time the...

Leveraged Floored Floater

A structured product (floored floater) in which a minimum level of coupon depends on a specific floor rate or is...

Leveraged Floored FRN

A structured product (floored FRN) in which a minimum level of coupon depends on a specific floor rate or is...

Leveraged Option

An option that is designed to allow the buyer (holder) to take a leveraged view on a specific asset or...

Leveraged Floating Rate Note

A floating-rate note (floater/ FRN) in which the reference rate is magnified by a factor λ (where λ > 1)....

Leveraged Rate Swap

An interest rate swap in which the floating rate leg pays LIBOR square (LIBOR is raised to the second power)...

Leverage Factor

The expected or actual percentage price change in an option's value (or the value of other derivatives position) in response...

Leveraged Reverse Convertible

An equity structured product (and a reverse convertible) that provides participation leverage with no guarantees as to potential downside risk....

Leveraged Credit Linked Note

A credit linked note (CLN) whose redemption and coupon payments are linked to a single default event and also depend...