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Swap Rate Components

A swap rate is the market rate on the fixed-rate leg of a swap. This rate is paid by the...

Futures Contract Valuation

A futures contract is marked to market on a daily basis. The value of a futures contract at the trade...

Call Spread: Creation and Payoff

The call spread is an option combination that constitutes a modified version of a call option. By definition, it is...

Moving Average Cap: an Example

A moving average cap is a cap which pays off the maximum of reference rate averages associated with several periods...

Put Overwriting: an Example

Put overwriting is an option strategy that involves being simultaneously long stock and short puts on the same share of...

Users of Interest Rate Swaps

An interest rate swap is an agreement to exchange fixed-rate payments for floating-rate payments. Some swap structures also involve the...

Swaps and Back-To-Back Loans

A swap can be used for hedging a floating-rate liability and a fixed-rate liability. Economically, a swap produces the same...

Difference Between Futures Contract and Forward Contract

A forward (or advance contract/ forward contract) is an over-the-counter (OTC) contract that obliges its holder to buy or sell...

Relationship Between Strike Price of an Option and Its Underlying Price

An option contract whose strike price is better than the market price of its underlying asset is said to be...

Difference Between Floors and Floortions

A floor is a set of floorlets or interim period floors that are equivalent to put options on some reference...