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Sharikat Ikhtiyar

Arabic (شركة اختيار) for a subset of sharikat al-mulk which represents a voluntary or optional general partnership that comes into...

Sharikat al-Sanai’e

Arabic (شركة الصنائع) for a type of sharikat al-aqd (contractual partnership) in which two persons or more agree to cooperate...

Kafalah Muqayyadah

A guarantee/ guaranty/ suretyship (kafalah) that is restricted by description (e.g. deferred or current). It is permissible to restrict a...

Kafalah Mutlaqah

A mode of guarantee/ guaranty/ suretyship (kafalah) that is free from any condition whether in the form of deferment, acceleration,...

Kafalah Munajjazah

Arabic (كفالة منجزة) for immediate kafalah (a suretyship with immediate effect). It is a kafalah agreement that takes effect as...

Kafalah Mudhafah

Arabic (كفالة مضافة) for contingent suretyship or contingent guarantee/ guaranty. It is a kafalah agreement that becomes effective upon occurrence...

Al-Waqf al-Ahli

A type of al-waqf (endowment) in which a person (waqf initiator/ donor) designates oneself or some specified individuals as the...


Arabic (تفليس) for judgment of bankruptcy (iflas) or declaration of bankruptcy by court. In shari’a parlance, it stands for interdiction...

Al-Qard al-Hasan

Arabic (القرض الحسن) for an interest-free loan (fungible, marketable wealth) that is extended by a lender to a borrower on...

Asl al-Qard

The face value of a qard (loan), i.e., its principal (or principal amount). For example, a $1,000 loan must be...