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Islamic Finance

Al-Ajeer al-‘Aam

Arabic (الأجير العام) for a public/ general worker or employee or an independent contractor who works for himself, rather than for a particular employer. This worker is his own master though he may work for more than one employer (client/ customer). An employer (client/ customer) cannot prevent him from working for other employers (clients/ customers). However, a general employee must provide the service or perform the job which has been commissioned to deliver or do, though in general he has discretion in determining his own means of performance (of course, depending on the terms of his engagement contract). General workers depend in earning their living on many employers (clients/ customers), rather than a particular one. Examples of al-ajeer al-‘aam include craftsmen, builders, tailors, shoemakers, butchers, physicians, consultancy firms, etc.

Al-ajeer al-‘amm is also known as al-ajeer al-mushtarak.

The last three decades have witnessed the modern rebirth of Islamic finance both in terms of literature and practice. Islamic banks and ...
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