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Risk Management

Cross Risk

A type of risk that arises between certain types of products/ investments/ instruments/ assets (such as credit products). A risk in one product is triggered by the risk in the other.

In another context, cross risk involves the impact of a non-financial risk on a financial risk. Non-financial risks do not relate directly to the financial performance or prospect of a business. Examples of non-financial risks (NFRs) are the risks arising from cyber-attacks, compliance breaches, environmental impact (negative), and so on. Risks (operational risks) associated with operational activities may also be considered part of the universe of non-financial risks.

However, all risks, financial and non-financial, can ultimately produce financial consequences. If not properly managed and mitigated or transferred (insured), non‑financial risks can result in drastic financial implications for firms and their stakeholders (investors, customers, and employees).

Risk management is a collection of tools, techniques and regimes that are used by businesses to deal with uncertainty. This involves planning and ...
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