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Risk Capital

The amounts of money (capital) that are allocated to high-risk venues (e.g., speculative activity, high-risk, high-reward investments). In other words,...

Capital Risk

A type of risk that reflects the potential of losing part or all of an investment. It applies to the...

FX Settlement-Related Risks

The risks that are associated with the settlement of foreign exchange (FX) transactions. The inability to settle or timely settle...

Settlement-Related Risks

The risks that are associated with the settlement of foreign exchange (FX) transactions. The inability to settle or timely settle...

Managerial Value at Risk

A type of value at risk (VaR) that represents a monetary estimate of risk using statistical techniques to figure out...

Managerial VaR

It stands for managerial value at risk; a type of VaR that represents a monetary estimate of risk using statistical...

Structural FX Risk

A type of risk (specifically, a source of non-traded market risk) that arises from positions related to investments in currencies...

Transaction FX Risk

A type of risk (specifically, a source of non-traded market risk) that arises from potential changes in a foreign exchange...

Transaction Foreign Exchange Risk

A type of risk (specifically, a source of non-traded market risk) that arises from potential changes in a foreign exchange...

Structural Foreign Exchange Risk

A type of risk (specifically, a source of non-traded market risk) that arises from positions related to investments in currencies...