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Islamic Finance

Kafalah bil Nafs

A type of guaranty (kafalah) that involves securing a person’s physical presence at a specified place and time. It is established if the guarantor (kafeel) says: “I guarantee to bring so-and-so in person to this or that place”. It can also be established on saying: “I guarantee so-and-so’s nick/ body/ soul, etc.” or “I am responsible for bringing so-and-so”. Guaranteeing a portion of an individual (neck, head, etc) is tantamount to guaranteeing him/ her in whole (this is consistent with the juristic principle stating that specifying part of an indivisible object is equivalent to specifying the whole).

Kafalah bil nafs is an Arabic term (كفالة بالنفس) that translates into physical guaranty.

The last three decades have witnessed the modern rebirth of Islamic finance both in terms of literature and practice. Islamic banks and ...
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