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A futures trading strategy in which a position is established by buying a series of quarterly delivery contracts falling due consecutively from the near dated to the far dated. Bundles are used to create long-dated treasury/ Eurodollar spreads (TED spreads) and to hedge some types of swaps. Like packs and strips, bundles offer an efficient and cost-effective tool of setting up a combination of outright delivery months in a single transaction without legging risk.

With bundles, investors can buy or sell in one trade consecutive futures covering two or more years. There exist four maturities for bundles: two years (whites and reds), three years (whites, reds and greens), four years (whites, reds, greens and blues) and five years (whites, reds, greens, blues and golds). For example, a three year bundle constitutes a white pack, a red pack and a green pack, all of which have equal numbers of lots.

Derivatives have increasingly become very important tools in finance over the last three decades. Many different types of derivatives are now traded actively on ...
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