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Binary Put Option

A put option (put) in which the payoff is either a fixed amount for an in-the-money option (ITM option) or...

Binary Call Option

A call option (call) in which the payoff is either a fixed amount for an in-the-money option (ITM option) or...

Bear Put Ratio Backspread

A put ratio backspread which involves selling higher strike put options and buying a bigger number of lower strike puts…

Basis Spread

The difference between the spot price of a commodity to be hedged and its futures price in the futures contract...

Basis Differential

The difference between the spot price of a commodity to be hedged and its futures price in the futures contract...


It stands for banking on overall stability, which is one of the numerous names for . By definition, it is...

Bull Call Ratio Backspread

A call ratio backspread which involves selling lower strike call options and buying a bigger number of higher strike calls...

Bull Ratio Spread

An option trading strategy that is executed by selling a number of out of the money call options exceeding the…

Base Currency

The local currency or accounting currency of an investor or a securities issuer. In forex, it is the first currency…

Bid Price

The price which a buyer is willing to pay to possess or take hold of an asset. The bid price…