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Basket Credit Event Binary Option

By definition, it is a cash-settled call option whose underlying is a basket of reference entities (known also as basket...

Basket CEBO

A shortcut for basket credit event binary option. By definition, it is a cash-settled call option whose underlying is a...


It stands for a bounded floor. A modified interest rate floor in which the total payout is limited (bounded). The...

BMA Swap Curve

The expected future values of the Bond Market Association (BMA) index, where expectations are taken in the corresponding forward probability...


It stands for a bounded cap; a modified interest rate cap in which the total payout is limited (bounded). The...

Back Fee

The premium or option price on the second leg of a compound option, i.e., on the put option (with the...

Binomial Model

A discrete model for pricing options that was introduced by Cox, Ross and Rubinstein in 1979. In this model, the...

Back-End Set Swap

An interest rate swap in which the floating rate is set in arrears. This means, the floating rate is determined based on the value...