Ordinary hibah (هبة) is a gift (an amount of wealth) given gratis (for no consideration) for the sake of the...
Adl or al-adl is Arabic (العدل) for justice or fairness. In general, the term “al-adl” relates to the concepts of...
Literally, riba (ربا) denotes the meanings of excess, increase, growth, accretion and expansion. Technically, it refers to: Every excess in...
According to shari'ah, hibat al-thawab (هبة الثواب) must involve a well defined subject-matter and this is the opinion of jumhur...
Murabaha (also spelled murabahah) is a shari’a compatible mode of debt financing which involves the sale of a commodity mostly...
Ju’alah (also transliterated ju’ala or jua'ala/ jua'alah) is a commutative contract in which one the parties (known in Arabic as...
An off-balance sheet (Off-BS) account is an asset or a liability that is not legally required to be presented as...
Manfa’ah (منفعة) refers to the benefit/ usufruct obtained from the use of a tangible asset or a service. Examples of...
Literally, waqf (وقف), also habs, refers to prevention (to prevent), restriction (to restrict/ restrain), or confinement (to confine). Technically, it...
Technically speaking, a reserve differs from an allowance (such as the allowance for impairment or credit losses) in terms of...