Manfa’ah (منفعة) refers to the benefit/ usufruct obtained from the use of a tangible asset or a service. Examples of manfa’ah include residence in a house, agricultural yield, animal produce, transportation, education, and so on. Per se, manfa’ah is a transferable right (i.e., it can be transferred to others). The holder of manfa’ah can either enjoy (use/ consume) it himself/ herself, or transfer to others on a commutative or non-commutative basis.
Intifa’a (انتفاع) is the right to the usufruct of a real estate (a house, a piece of land, etc.) or a service, without having the right to transfer the usufruct to someone else. The right of intifa’a is non-transferable. That is, the holder of the intifa’a right is only entitled to enjoy (use/ consume) the subject matter (which is a non-transferable manfa’ah).