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Sources of Funds in Islamic Banks

An Islamic bank usually has access to a number of "external" sources of funds (to finance its assets and operations),...

Accounting Treatment for Tawarruq: Malpractice in The Market and Ideal Practice

Tawarruq in concept Tawarruq (Islamic monetization) is a transaction whereby a person buys an asset/ commodity from a seller on...

Concept of Originator in Islamic Finance

An originator (of sukuk or similar instruments) is an Islamic financial institution (IFI) or other institution that issues sukuk under...

Islamic Capital Instruments: Definition and Types

By definition, a capital instrument is any contract or contractual agreement that gives rise to a financial asset (cash, an...

Factoring: Concept and Shari’ah Perspective

Factoring is the sale of accounts receivables at a discount to a third party called the factor with recourse (i.e.,...

Difference Between Sukuk Originator and Sukuk Issuer

A sukuk originator (also, a sukuk principal issuer) is a market player (such as an Islamic financial institution, IFI, or...

Applications of Investment Agency

Wakala bil istithmar (investment agency) is a type of wakala representing an instrument in which a principal (muwakkil) appoints an...

Applications of Wakala bi al-Istithmar

Wakala bi al-istithmar (investment agency) is a type of wakala representing an instrument in which a principal (muwakkil) appoints an...

Applications of Wakala Bil Istithmar

Wakala bil istithmar (investment agency) is a type of wakala representing an instrument in which a principal (muwakkil) appoints an...

Difference Between Loan and Debt

A loan (qard) is a fungible item (including money) that is transferred from one party (the lender) to another (the...