A loan (qard) is a fungible item (including money) that is transferred from one party (the lender) to another (the...
Murabaha (also spelled murabahah) is a shari’a compatible mode of debt financing which involves the sale of a commodity mostly...
Istisna' (الاستصناع) is a type of sale (ba'i or bay') in which the underlying asset (a predefined product known as...
Mudaraba is a partnership in profit in which one partner provides capital (rab al-mal) and the other provides labor and...
An Islamic bank may set up a qardh fund as a means of serving specific social objectives through providing for...
Murabaha (also spelled murabahah) is a shari’a compatible mode of debt financing which involves the sale of a commodity mostly...
Murabaha (also spelled murabahah) is a shari’a permissible mode of debt financing which involves the sale of a commodity mostly...
Murabaha (also spelled murabahah) is a shari’a compatible mode of debt financing which involves the sale of a commodity mostly...
In istisna'a contract, if al-mustasni’ (the buyer or the party seeking a manufactured item) makes a payment in advance of...
Murabaha (also spelled murabahah) is a shari’a compatible mode of debt financing which involves the sale of a commodity mostly...