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Al-Ghunm bil Ghurm

A shari'a maxim which bases the legitimization of earning profit on the condition of risk-sharing and engaging in a business...


An Arabic term synonymous with the word "contract" in its many cognates in modern law, i.e., a contractual relationship between...


An Arabic term that generally translates as remuneration, wage, recompense, consideration, commission, rate, price, or fees, among others. Ajr is...

Aqd al-Ijara

A contract (aqd) of a designated usufruct (manfa'a) of a specified property/ asset/ labor or effort for a specified time...

Aqd al-Ijarah

A contract (aqd) of a designated usufruct (manfa'ah) of a specified property/ asset/ labor or effort for a specified time...

Ajr al-Mithl

A rent or wage amount or consideration (ajr) that is determined by an arbitrator or judge (if disputed), or with...


Plural form of the Arabic term "thaman"; the price or monetary amount of an object of sale (tangible like commodities...

Aqd Tawthiq

Arabic (عقد توثيق) for a documentation contract (contract of security/ guarantee). Under shari'ah (Islamic law), accessory contracts/ subordinate contracts are...

Aqd Tawtheeq

Arabic (عقد توثيق) for a documentation contract (contract of security/ guarantee). Under shari'ah (Islamic law), accessory contracts/ subordinate contracts are...

Aqd Tauthiqiy

Arabic (عقد توثيقي) for a documentation contract (contract of security/ guarantee). Under shari'ah (Islamic law), accessory contracts/ subordinate contracts are...