Plural of hukm or hukum; a legal or shari'a injunction that relates to the actions of individuals. Hukm is usually classified into different...
Arabic (أوسق) for plural of wasaq (وسق); an Islamic weight measurement unit that is equivalent, according to the majority of...
An Arabic term that translates into moveable property, as opposed to immovable property (al-iqar); By definition, it is a property...
A sukuk structure that involves intangible assets as underlying, or in which the requirement of tangible assets is minimal. Companies that do not have much fixed...
A contract (aqd) which is contingent on a specified event or action. More specifically, aqd mawquf becomes effective only if...
Islamic banks lend funds based on trade (i.e., real economic activities) rather than pure finance. In other words, they act as...
In the context of selling (al-ba'i or al-bay'- البيع), al-ribh (in Arabic script: الربح) refers to the difference resulting from selling products and services...
Translitration for الفضولي; a person (natural or legal) who involves himself in activities that have nothing to do with him/ her,...
Arabic (الفضولي) for uncommissioned agent; a person (natural or legal) who involves himself in activities that have nothing to do with...
A pledged asset/ collateral (rahn) in which the posted asset, in association with a credit transaction, can be provided by...