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According to Maliki school, it is a trade or exchange of money for money (coins for coins) of the same...


According to Maliki school, it is a trade or exchange of money for money (coins for coins) of the same...

Al-Naqd wa Ashbah al-Naqd

An Arabic term that denotes cash and cash equivalents. This refers to the monetary assets that are held by an...

Absolute Sale

A sale (ba'i) that involves the exchange of an asset for specified monetary units (the price). With respect to the...


In Islamic fiqh, fadala (or fadhala), الفضالة, refers to the act(s) of al-fodhouli (al-fuduli), i.e., a person (natural or legal)...


In Islamic fiqh, fadalah (or fadhalah), الفضالة, refers to the act(s) of al-fodhouli (al-fuduli), i.e., a person (natural or legal)...

Al-Kharaj bid Daman

A shari'a maxim which bases the entitlement to revenue on corresponding liability for bearing losses (khasara), or the so-called daman....

Al-Kharaj bid Dhaman

A shari'a maxim which bases the entitlement to revenue on corresponding liability for bearing losses (khasara), or the so-called dhaman....

Al-Kharaj bil Dhaman

A shari'a maxim which bases the entitlement to revenue on corresponding liability for bearing losses (khasara), or the so-called dhaman....

Al-Kharaj bil Daman

A shari'a maxim which bases the entitlement to revenue on corresponding liability for bearing losses (khasara), or the so-called daman....