An alternative asset in which interests are tokenized, i.e., converted into a sort of digital twin tokens. It belongs to...
A certain group of assets that represent the basic and well established form of assets/ investments/ holdings. Such assets have...
A subcategory of alternative assets, which constitutes an asset class consisting of assets not classified within traditional or classic asset...
It stands for tactical asset allocation; an active management technique (and an investment style) that reconsiders asset allocations in a...
An active management technique (and an investment style) that reconsiders asset allocations in a portfolio/ fund/ investments in an attempt...
The return that is calculated by dividing the capital gain/loss and income earned (i.e., the total gains/losses) by the value of the...
It stands for time-weighted return; a type of total return that measures the performance of a dollar invested in for the...
A type of total return that measures the performance of a dollar invested in for the entire measurement period. It is given...
It stands for total value to paid-in ratio; a return multiple that relates the current value of remaining holdings within a...
A return multiple that relates the current value of remaining holdings within a private equity fund plus the total value of all...