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Working Capital

The difference between an entity's current assets (e.g., cash, accounts receivable, and inventories of raw materials and finished goods) and...

Working Capital Management

An entity manages its working capital as part of the investment decision of its financial management function. Working capital, also...


The inventory of mortgages that have been closed (i.e., no more in the pipeline) and are parked for sale in...

War Brides

A jargon phrase that refers to the stocks and bonds of companies whose primary business activity is defense contracting. For…

War Babies

A jargon phrase that refers to the stocks and bonds of companies whose primary business activity is defense contracting. For…

When Issued

A financial transaction that involves trading a security that has not yet been issued, but rather is scheduled to be…

Weighted-Average Antidilution

A type of antidilution provision that gives the holder of an equity-based security the right to obtain extra shares of…

Worst-Of Multi-Barrier Reverse Convertible

A variant of barrier reverse convertible (BRC)- a structured product– that is subject to more than one barrier (a continous…

Window Barrier Reverse Convertible

A variant of barrier reverse convertible (BRC)- a structured product– in which the barrier strike is only active for a…

War Chest

A fund of liquid assets (cash or cash equivalents) which a company earmarks to pay for a takeover of another…