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Whole Loan Collateral

A collateral, in a repo transaction or CMOs, that comes in the form of a whole loan. For whole loan…

War Bond

A debt security which is issued to savers by a government for the purpose of collecting money that will be...


A slang term for a set of special or exceptional features that are added to ordinary investments or instruments in...

Warrant Bond

A bond that carries fixed coupon (interest payment) and the right (embodied in a warrant) entitling the bearer of the...

Warrant-Linked Bond

A bond that carries fixed coupon (interest payment) and the right (embodied in a warrant) entitling the bearer of the...

Weighted Average Coupon

In general, it refers to the weighted average of the coupon payable on the liabilities of an issuer (debt issuer)....


It stands for weighted average coupon. In general, it refers to the weighted average of the coupon payable on the...

Wrong-Way-Around Swap

A cross-currency swap in which the bank sponsor/ arranger pays a soft currency (such as Korean Won, Thai Baht, etc)...


The rate a company pays to finance its assets. The weighted average cost of capital (WACC) rate tells a firm...

Weighted Average Cost of Capital

The rate a company pays to finance its assets. The weighted average cost of capital (WACC) rate tells a firm...