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Patriot Bond

A series EE savings bond which was introduced by the U.S. Treasury Department in December 11, 2001, three months after...

Private Equity

An asset class that consists of equity investments in privately- or closely-held companies. This type of investment is generally meant...


"Price" has different meanings across different contexts. In general, it is defined as the monetary amount that is charged, or...

Price Yield Curve

A curve that depicts the relationship between the annual yield on a coupon bond (coupon-bearing bond) and its price. Coupons...

Premium Leg of a CDO Tranche

The premium leg of a CDO tranche constitutes the regular payments that are proportional to the difference between the tranche...

Pre-Refunded Bond

A bond which is mainly issued to refinance previously issued bonds that carry higher coupons than current market. A pre-refunded...

Pre-Refunding Bond

A bond which is mainly issued to refinance previously issued bonds that carry higher coupons than current market. A pre-refunding...

Positive Yield Curve

The normal relationship between bond yields and maturity lengths that is observed when interest rates on the long-term bonds exceed...

Plain Vanilla Bond

A bond that does not carry any special features- i.e., it has no clauses granting conversion or warrant privileges. A...


A preferred stock that has no redemption date. In other words, this fixed-rate equity instrument allows the holder no participation...