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Pure Play Security

The security of a company that has only one business line or product, and its value solely depends on the...

Pure Play Company

A company that has only one business line or product, and its value (or value of its stocks) solely depends...

Pure Play

The security of a company that has only one business line or product, and its value solely depends on the...

Pure Discount Instrument

A debt instrument that promises investors (holders/ buyers) a single fixed payment on a preset future date. In other words,...

Pure Play Beta

The value of beta that is inferred by examining the risk characteristics of similar companies (or the investments/ projects undertaken...

Pure Yield Pickup Swap

A bond swap that involves swapping a relatively high-price bond with a relatively low-price bond (otherwise, the two bonds are...

Principal Protected Absolute Return Barrier Note

An absolute return barrier note (ARBN) (a structured product) in which the coupon is linked to an underlying security or...

Principal Protected Structured Product

A structured product that allows the holder (investor) to participate in the equity market growth (upside potential) and at the...

Principal-Protected Market-Linked Debenture

A market-linked debenture (MLD) whose issuer promises to pay back the principal amount (face value) of the debenture to the...

Profit-Sharing Bond

A fixed income security that gives the holder the right to receive regular interest payments and a share in the...