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Pro-Rata Sinking Fund Bond

A type of sinking fund bonds (sinkable bonds or sinkers) in which an equal percentage of bonds are redeemed from...


It stands for principal-protected market-linked debenture; a market-linked debenture (MLD) whose issuer promises to pay back the principal amount (face...

Planned Amortization Class Bond

A tranche of a collateralized mortgage obligation (CMO) that converts a long-term mortgage product with irregular and unstable cash flows...

Puttable Bond

A bond which is payable at par to its holder on demand once the lock-out or deferment period expires. This...

Puttable Range Accrual Note

A range accrual note that has an embedded put option. It allows the holder (investor) to put the note (return...

Puttable Convertible Bond

A convertible bond that is embedded with a put provision. In other words, it allows the bondholder to put or...

Payment In Kind

The interest or dividend income that is paid by a borrower through the issuance of debt or stock (new securities)...


An abbreviation for payment in kind. It refers to interest or dividend income that is paid by a borrower through...

Par Put Convertible

A convertible which is embedded with a par-strike put option prior to final maturity. In other words, the holder has...

PECS Basis

The difference between the CDS spread and par equivalent CDS spread: PECS basis = CDS spread - PECS It captures...