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Closing Bell

An audible signal like that of a bell or simply a buzzer sound that announces the end of the regular…

Conversion Price

The price per share basis which is used to calculate the number of shares of common stock the holder of…

Common Stock

A security that represents an ownership interest in a publicly-held company whereby a stockholder is eligible to participate in profit…

Contract Market

An exchange or board of trade that is registered with Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) (in the U.S) and is…

Countercyclical Stock

A corporate stock that tends to do better when the economy is turning down or heading for a standstill. Countercyclical…


An exchange-traded fund (ETF) that replicates and tracks the NASDAQ index. As such, this ETF allows investors to diversify risks by…

Cyclical Market

A short-term market trend that is caused by seasonal or cyclical market conditions. In general, a cyclical market lasts for…

Cyclical Bull Market Cycle

A bull market cycle that constitutes a short-term market trend caused by seasonal or cyclical market conditions. In general, a…

Cyclical Bear Market Cycle

A bear market cycle that constitutes a short-term market trend caused by seasonal or cyclical market conditions. In general, a…


This reddish metal is one of the most instrumental on Earth. It is a very efficient conductor of electricity. It...