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Swerve Finance

Swerve Finance


In crypto space, swerve finance is defined as a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol built and run on the Ethereum blockchain, for the main purpose of providing a platform for automated market making (MM) and liquidity provision. The protocol aim to improve trading efficiency (lower settlement time, lower costs, etc.) and to add to the liquidity of various digital assets (e.g., tokens) without involving the services of intermediaries. In technical terms, swerve represents a community fork (finance protocol) of a respective network (blockchain) designed for efficient trading against no platform/ developer fees. Overall, swerve finance introduces a better degree of decentralization, transparency and direct user involvement, ushering in a major shift towards more user-centric financial services.


This finance protocol is featured with implementation of stablecoins, with a bid to help participants trade digital assets with lower volatility. As a platform, it aims to solve certain governance issues associated with the finance protocol. For that reason, it operates a 100% community-owned fork of the popular stablecoin swapping platform. Governance clout also includes a special focus on serious governance issues such as fake distribution suspicion, pre-mining suspicion, a founder controlling the majority of governance votes, dubious team proposal, 30% allocation to shareholders, team allocation, and a long distribution period spanning decades. Swerve also supports yield farming, where participants and community members can reap rewards by injecting liquidity to available pools. This is a big incentive for active participation which adds more liquidity within the ecosystem.

Focus on governance and user control

Swerve Finance operates on a decentralized governance structure that allows users to submit proposals for development and improvement, while being able to vote on other users’ proposals as part of the community. The value proposition of swerve finance is the capability to offer users greater control over their digital assets, with a community-driven approach. Contrary to certain DeFi platforms, swerve prioritizes assigns a higher level of priority to its users, who can introduce and control platform changes and decisions through a decentralized voting mechanism.

Finance, as a field of knowledge, is substantially wide-ranging and virtually encompasses everything in the realm of corporate finance, financial management, ...
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