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Decentralized Finance Coin

Concept Decentralized finance coin (DeFi coin) is a digital coin that represents a fiat coin. It is a digital version...

Decentralized Finance Token

Concept Decentralized finance token (DeFi token) is a digital token that allows users to take part in a crypto space/...

DeFi Token

Concept It stands for decentralized finance token; a digital token that allows users to take part in a crypto space/...

DeFi Coin

Concept It stands for decentralized finance coin; a digital coin that represents a fiat coin. It is a digital version...


Concept Token DeFi (TDEFI) is a token basket that consists of the cryptocurrencies of leading and promising decentralized finance (DeFi)...

Token DeFi

Concept Token DeFi (TDEFI) is a token basket that consists of the cryptocurrencies of leading and promising decentralized finance (DeFi)...

Swerve Finance

Concept In crypto space, swerve finance is defined as a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol built and run on the Ethereum...

Non-Fungible Token Finance

Concept It stands for non-fungible token on decentralized finance/ DeFi (or for short, NFT finance or NFTfi). NFTs (non-fungible tokens)...

NFT Finance

Concept It stands for non-fungible token on decentralized finance/ DeFi (or for short, NFT finance or non-fungible token finance). NFTs...


Concept An NFTfi stands for non-fungible token on decentralized finance/ DeFi (or for short, NFT finance or non-fungible token finance)....